Tag Archives: Security

How to Encrypt / Decrypt with AES in Java 1.8

Here I have created a class that does it in two different ways, the first one is, when you create the key, and the other is when you are given the key, valid key sizes are 128, 192, and 256 for AES algorithm. There is some steps to follow before executing the code provied, if […]

How to generate X.509 certificate in Java 1.8

Here is how to do it, the simplest way, to generate the base64 string. No complications with KeyStores or things like that. I must say that I found this code in several places over the Internet. When I tried to run it I had some exceptions, I solved them, at the time of this writing, […]

How to scan Java files only in HP Fortify Audit Workbench 16.10

Recently I needed to run a Fortify scan on a project with several modules. I was told to scan only Java files (*.java) but with the constraint that this files should not be the ones inside test directories (*\test\*) After doing some research and reading the documentation I came up with the following command: “-b” […]